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“fortunate enough”簡單造句,fortunate enough造句子

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Although I was unfortunate enough to get motor neuron disease I have been very fortunate in almost everything else.

Of course, some people are fortunate enough to be widely regarded as attractive because they have the right facial and physical proportions.

There are days when you can be fortunate enough to wake up to a fresh snow fall, bright blue skies and hoar frost.

For you dudes not fortunate enough to have someone living with them that loves to do all the cleaning, you need to stay one up on the cleaning, laundry, and general house stuff.

The old lady' s fortunate enough to have very good health.

Shortly afterwards, he was fortunate enough to come to the four elder brother, Yining, who was Emperor Xianfeng.

Just because no one has been fortunate enough to realize what a gold mine you are, doesn't mean you shine any less.

He was fortunate enough to escape unharmed.

Here are the results of this restless curiosity - a selection of those unguarded moments I was fortunate enough to witness.

Of late a friend of mine invited me to appreciate a Tang Dynasty vase that he was fortunate enough to have bought at an auction.

fortunate enough造句

She' s fortunate enough to enjoy good health.

I'm fortunate enough to personally know a couple of the exceptions to the rule — they are rare creatures indeed.

Opportunities and risks in the IT information age, we would like to jointly build a brave new world, and we knew them, you fortunate enough to have you open the door!

Zhang Xueliang began to lose ground, and now he is fortunate enough to stick to Jinzhou and make up for it.

But I am fortunate enough because I have met you such a wonderful student.

But not everyone is fortunate enough to have an island or lake to study.

He started to see Laura Lou as a marvelous gift that he was fortunate enough to share for a time.

You will see by the Account Sales, which we enclose, that we were fortunate enough to diose of these goods just before the fall of prices in this market.

Ocean World is good the United States, a lot of things that have never seen the sea, but also fortunate enough to see a small polar bear at the door.

Tags:fortunate 造句
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