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Aggressive tobacco control could avert millions of deaths from tuberculosis.

That's because fewer women than men smoke or chew tobacco.

Tobacco use continues to expand, especially in the developing world, where currently half of the deaths due to tobacco occur.

With two stained fingers, he placed a wad of tobacco in his cheek.

The tobacco looked healthy and green and fraught for Mary--with promise of future plenty.

For the tobacco industry to survive it must hook new customers to replace those who die or quit.

Many parties need to promote advocacy and policies such as banning smoking in public venues, promoting tobacco tax increases, etc.

You see the same desolate picture across the country, once the region's breadbasket as well as one of the world's largest producers of top-quality tobacco.

(Agence France-Presse, Kuala Lumpur, 24th) - Malaysian government announced that it will use revenue from levies on tobacco and alcohol, the so called "sin taxes", to fund health care and sports activities.


So, hey, why not tobacco plants?

During the tobacco hardening period bed of tobacco seedling was the falling target of alate aphids and was the main resource of tobacco virus spread by aphids.

Some 80% of Malawians depend on tobacco for their livelihoods.

The law also introduces a health tax on tobacco products, and a total ban on tobacco advertisements, promotion and sponsorship in any form.

The tobacco industry specifically targets young females through advertising, promotion and sponsorship.

Get involved in a campaign to educate your peers on how the tobacco industry USES advertising, promotion and sponsorship to persuade you to smoke or use other forms of tobacco.

He uses this, along with essenceof tobacco, in a version of the Old Fashioned (sugar cube, bitters,bourbon, splash of soda water, orange slice, lemon twist, twomaraschino cherries).

He responded quickly: "Price, if we learned from tobacco, is the single most effective way of reducing consumption, and I think there's strong evidence that a soda tax would be very effective."

He even learned to chew tobacco.

Understanding and controlling the tobacco epidemic among women is an important part of any tobacco control strategy.

The WHO FCTC has provisions that set international standards on tobacco price and tax increases, tobacco advertising and sponsorship, labelling, illicit trade and second-hand smoke among others.

The department collects revenue from four categories of dutiable commodities: alcoholic beverages, tobacco, hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol.

Only one country — Panama — joined the small group of countries that bans all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.

Within a year, the value of Cuba’s peso plummeted to almost nothing; her sugar, cattle, tobacco, and nickel industries were in shambles; and her people carried food ration cards.

Ensure that tobacco control strategies take into account the special problems of women who chew tobacco.

The importation of tobacco is the country's largest imports.

A young migrant worker sits on a cot below tobacco drying on a farm near Koram.

After he finished his coffee, he dug into his right snowmobile boot and, to Madeleine's surprise, pulled out a tin of chewing tobacco.

Around 1613, Pocahontas was abducted by English colonists and taken to another part of Virginia; she was baptized as a Christian, married tobacco magnate John Rolfe and changed her name to Rebecca.

Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco?

The Director of WHO's Tobacco Free Initiative, Dr. Douglas Bettcher, says that leaves 95 percent of the world's population exposed to the unbridled marketing activities of the tobacco industry.

The theme of World Heart Day, "How Young is Your Heart" addresses prevention of cardiovascular diseases by controlling three major risk factors: diet, physical activity and tobacco use.

Banning tobacco advertising, raising the prices of tobacco products and laws prohibiting smoking in public places reduce the number of people who start using tobacco products.

The policy goes so far as to ban "tobacco-residuals emitting persons," defined as anyone who has used a tobacco product within the last two hours, from entering a Kimball Physics building.

He rammed the tobacco into his pipe.

This species will infest cereals, fruit, shelled nuts, cocoa beans, fish, spices and tobacco.

Bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship can reduce tobacco consumption.

Other health risks associated with tobacco include heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases; bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases as well as infertility.

They designed nucleases to home in on a tobacco gene that controls the plant's susceptibility to certain herbicides.

But I improve upon the sun's rays, which have painted falsely, and find that my eyes, so spoiled by lamplight and tobacco, can still paint, not only in dream but also while awake.

It will outlaw flavoured tobacco (except for menthol), which some claim lures children, and bar tobacco advertisements from appearing near schools.

Also outlawed are tobacco advertising and the sale and import of sweets and toys modeled after tobacco products.

Tags:造句 tobacco
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