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“sovereign wealth fund”簡單造句,sovereign wealth fund造句子

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Nobody knows whether the Sage would have bought any of the stakes purchased by sovereign wealth funds.

The US bank has approached sovereign wealth funds and other investors in the Middle East and in Asia, according to people familiar with the matter.

On Thursday, in an effort to prop up ailing equity markets, Chinese officials said an arm of the country's sovereign wealth fund would buy more shares of ICBC, Bank of China and CCB.

The sovereign wealth funds, flush with cash but not as tightly linked to global Banks, stayed largely on the now, the landscape has changed.

It has the world's largest sovereign wealth fund.

Private investors, and sovereign wealth funds out to make returns, can punt their money on what they like.

sovereign wealth fund造句

Did Summers spend so much time with the hedge fund, or its investors, sovereign wealth funds and so on, that he started to think like them?

This year, big government looks set to seize the Davos limelight from the Banks, hedge funds and sovereign wealth funds that attracted attention in recent years.

Qatar Investment Authority, one of the sovereign wealth funds flagged as a possible cornerstone shareholder, is considering investing in Glencore, the country's prime minister said on Monday.

The answer, if the recent behavior of other sovereign wealth funds and foreign private equity houses is any indication, may be to deliver, in person, a simple message: No. Not again.

The windfall will provide fresh capital to some of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds.

Other Banks have tapped the bulging wallets of sovereign wealth funds.

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