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perhaps their greatest resource was their capacity to endure.

His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me.

Here they endure long hours at dangerous jobs, wringing flecks of gold from the dirt with mercury.

The time that divorcing couples endure each other before flinging back the rings has lengthened too, from 10.1 years in 1981 to 11.7 in 2007.

It was an icy cold night, such as is almost unknown with us; but in the overcrowded hall there was such excessive heat as only Russians can endure.

People are sometimes monsters, I have, I endure, I pay, what I get and harvest is not necessarily proportional to, sometimes experience suffering, not to get, but to understand.


They could endure much pain.

My durable endurance made me endure the injury during insurance.

It must endure much more pain before it enters its next phase of prosperity.

The pain of discipline is a small pain to endure, when you consider all that it promises.

Some people do not love you, but need you, so they will endure, but they will not really care about you.

Ulysses had it right: in order to endure listening to the seductive-but-deadly sirens, not only did he have himself bound to the mast, but he ordered his crew to ignore his demands to set him free.

I can't endure your endless complaints anymore.

Japan went on to endure its own Halloween nightmare of zombie banks for years afterwards.

This is partly because these first principles endure long enough to find their way from academia into policymaking circles.

Accounts of plantation life in the Antebellum South suggest that even hostile relationships became easier to endure "in the civil atmosphere offered by the shade of a prominent porch."

"I can't endure much longer," he whispered.

No woman should have to endure a condition which is both preventable and treatable.

Long-distance relationship requires you to be able to endure loneliness, and the relationships need a reunion of hope even if they pass it.

Which pain will you endure?

How is their country to endure these cruel storms that beset it from without and from within?

The new King, it was rumoured, was in such a poor physical state that he would not be able to endure the coronation ceremony, let alone discharge his functions as sovereign.

She could not endure the thought of parting.

I how to endure thus and miserably, still postponing, saying a lot of vexing matters, I why not let him arrive right away, I still have spirit to him, I still want to contend for to order what, know the combat only!

All this suggested that America was more likely to endure a gradual, even gentle, slowing of economic growth than a sharp contraction.

Although they work far above—not below—the surface of the Earth, NASA astronauts endure similar isolation and cramped spaces.

All my life she has been the one teaching me: to cook, sew and knit; to laugh; to enjoy the good times and patiently endure the bad. Now it was my turn to give something back.

I have found a way to endure a treadmill workout.

Or maybe they'd decided to endure us.

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