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“recycle bin”簡單造句,recycle bin造句子

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I find the API somewhat difficult to work with, so reading it thoroughly can be the difference from using it successfully to throwing into the recycle bin.

Designate an area outside where all of your recycle bins can be stored.

We propose improved system of searching for deleted files and working with the recycle bin.

The creator hoped to make a dent in the universe but only sees his material land in the recycle bin of history.

Beer Can: It's in the recycle bin.

When you delete a document on your Windows operating system, it goes directly to the recycle bin.

recycle bin造句

Beer Can: Can you help me find a recycle bin, please?

Names in the recycle bin can be reviewed at a later time, when you can decide to make them a favorite after all, or discard them into the trash.

Paper shredder. If you shred a fair bit of paper around your place (credit card or bank statements, receipts and paid bills) a great idea is to place the shredder directly over the recycle bin.

In the beginning, the progress was slow and sometimes people did not co-operate. For instance, some other students used our recycle bins as rubbish bins and dirtied a few packs of paper.

But let's say that after emptying the recycle bin, you realize that you need that document after all.

Clean up hard drive disk space being taken up by temporary files, the recycle bin, hibernation and more.

Tags:bin recycle 造句
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