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“news article”簡單造句,news article造句子

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A children's author, Laurie Friedman, was so inspired by an online news article she read about the Rosenblats that she wrote a children's book based on his story.

Using that scale, a news article in the new York Times or the Wall Street Journal might start out in strongly positive territory, perhaps at 26 or 27 on the scale.

With news articles, the actual article isn't usually Shared, but metadata about the article is; this metadata can include a headline, a URL, or a summary.

Usually, I bite my tongue and move on. The Nov.16 news article on plans to limit appeals of Social Security rulings, however, is such a breach of basic rules of fair play that I must comment.

The final line of the “news article” shouted out with exclamation points

Zhu said the idea came to him following a recent news article about two gay men who celebrated their illegal 'wedding' in a bar in Chengdu, Sichuan , early this month.

Let's take a look at some of the vocabulary in the news article and pick up some new words related to international trade. Shall we?

What are some of the terms related to this change in negotiation tactics found in the news article linked above?

There, rather than search for a news article, you wait for your friends to tell you what to read. They tell you what movies they enjoyed, what brands they like, and where to eat sushi.

news article造句

Sources are cited below the news article to give the piece authenticity.

Select a news topic from the list below, then select a news article to read.

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