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“value proposition”簡單造句,value proposition造句子

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We see the future for airlines as the ability to differentiate their value proposition to their customers.

Our unique value proposition is built around being "hassle-free and simple" and people seemed to expect that in the pricing model as well.


It will offer a different value proposition from Schneider Electric with a distinct market approach.

And others, hundreds of thousands of others, will start, take over from their parents or buy businesses that have a value proposition.

If you can't explain — in three jargon-free sentences or less — why customers need your product, you do not have a value proposition and thus, you do not have a business. Period.

value proposition造句

With such a broad and strategic value proposition, it's easy to accept that SOA is inevitable.

It's a reverse value proposition: the more we feel threatened, the more energy we spend defending, restoring, and asserting our value, and the less energy we have available to create value.

“With a renewed value proposition, we look forward to a terrific future, with growth estimates of 13-15 per cent in 2010-2011 for the export sector and 15-17 per cent for the India market,” he said.

It may seem at first as if "free" helps your value proposition, but it ultimately hurts it.

Is there a value proposition for them?

Above the fold (768 pixels high), it shows a large screenshot, tagline, value proposition, call to action, client list, videos and short feature list with images.

While each such domain historically has its own discipline and value proposition, a model-driven enterprise needs to ensure that each domain is synergistic with all the others.

Pointing to big name corporate failures in the last decade, they argue that the value proposition for GRC software is clear, and they identified leaders in this growing market.

To further enhance the DB2 family value proposition, DB2 packaging includes federation across the entire IBM relational database portfolio.

These devices are also affordable and therefore the value proposition cannot be ignored.

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