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A man was employed to paint a brought paint and___21___and began to paint the boat as the owner___22___. While painting,he___23___there was a hole in the body of the boat and decided to___24___ he finished painting,he received his___25___and left.

The next day,the owner of the boat visited the painter and___26___him with a cheque(支票),much___27___than what he was paid for the painting painter was___28___.

"You've already paid me for painting the boat,sir!"he said.

"This is not for the paint 's for repairing the___29___in the boat."

"Ah!But it was such a small service."The man said."Certainly it's not worth paying me such a high amount for something so___30___!"

"My dear friend,"the owner said,"You don't me tell you___31___ I asked you to paint the boat,I___32___to mention the the boat dried,my kids took it and___33___a fishing did not know that there was a hole there.

"I was not at home at the when I___34___and noticed they has taken the boat,I was___35___ine my___36___ and joy when I saw them returning___37___from fishing.

"Then,I examined the boat and found that you had repaired the hole!You now see what you did?You___38___the life of my children!"

Each of us has a moral duty to offer help,wipe tears,listen carefully and repair all the "hole" we___39___in our life journey,because a small act will make a big___40___in the future.

21. A. rulers    B. brushes    C. knives    D. pens

22. A. ordered    B. hated    C. wanted    D. acted

23. A. felt    B. heard    C. sensed    D. noticed

24. A. make    B. dig    C. repair    D. prepare

25. A. money    B. paint    C. brush    D. fish

26. A. dropped    B. cooked    C. presented    D. took

27. A. lighter    B. higher    C. heavier    D. better

28. A. happy    B. disappointed    C. embarrassed    D. surprised

29. A. hole    B. chair    C. paddle    D. picture

30. A. huge    B. small    C. great    D. rude

31. A. when    B. why    C. what    D. how

32. A. stopped    B. regretted    C. remembered    D. forgot

33. A. went on    B. went away    C. went over    D. went through

34. A. drove    B. shared    C. rewarded    D. returned

35. A. hopeless    B. silly    C. crazy    D. excited

36. A. belief    B. relief    C. sadness    D. worry

37. A. sweetly    B. healthily    C. directly    D. safely

38. A. saved    B. hurt    C. broke    D. designed

39. A. come out    B. come in    C. come across    D. come into

40. A. achievement    B. progress    C. process    D. difference



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