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Ways to Stop Worrying

A little worrying now and then can be self-protective.35. But too much worrying can lead to many problems, such as reduced concentration, poor sleeping habits and the inability to handle everyday difficulties. What’s more, it may also cause physical health problems, such as high blood pressure.

Here are some tips to help you lighten up and enjoy life more.

1. Note down your worries

Writing in a worry journal helps create some distance between you and your concerns. Write down your thoughts briefly every day, perhaps the first thing in the morning, before you start your regular routine.36.

2. Pack away your worries

37. Imagine tucking (塞) away your anxieties in a small box and closing the lid (蓋子). Set aside some time each day to open the box and examine your worries, but otherwise, keep it closed.

3. Share your worries with a friend

Don’t be embarrassed.38. Then, he or she may give you some practical suggestions. Telling someWaystoStopWorryingAlittleworryingnowandthencanbeself-pr...one your fears helps lift the burden of worry and gives your friends a chance to offer comforting thoughts.


Select a quiet spot in your home where you can focus on your worries without being interrupted (打擾). Stay there every day for 10 to 20 minutes. Make sure you maintain a strict time limit and try to avoid worrying except when you’re in your designated (指定的) “worry space”.

A. Create a personal worry space.

B. See worries from a different perspective.

C. Talk to your friend about your worries.

D. If journal writing isn’t for you, create a “worry box” in your mind.

E. Spend about 15 minutes just writing and reflecting on what is bothering you.

F. Check with your local health centre about programs to stop worrying in your area.

G. Without anxiety you probably wouldn’t lock your door at night or schedule your regular check-up.





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