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To be a rackler, you had to put a tiny bird in a cage, and then coax it to sing.

Therefore, after quarrelling, it is always right for men to coax women. This is not about right or wrong, but emotion, tolerance and responsibility.

You might even consider delivering in this position (no matter what kind of labor you're having), since it opens up the pelvis and USES gravity to coax baby down.

Mr Papandreou managed to coax his opponents back by pointing out what an appalling impression such squabbles make on the rest of the world at such a grave hour in the country's history.

Because to coax you, because of your feelings, but also the tolerance of this man.

They wouldn't last long in the fields where her parents coax corn, potatoes and greens from terraced plots.

I use this insect amulet to coax Neal out of the Pavilion, through the long parking lot and back to the car.

Publishers coax books out of tardy authors.

Frail hopes that this might coax the government to negotiate with its enemy were swiftly disappointed.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele accused Mr. Clinton of wronging black voters in his attempts to coax Mr. Meek out of the race.


By coax and threats made him confused, undecided

He tried to coax me out of bed, with the idea of locking me up in the kitchen upon the arrival of his visitors.

Cultured in a dish, stem cells can be incubated with chemical cocktails to coax them to mature into different cell types, including those found in the liver, muscle and brain.

Another public rupture is the last thing they need as they try to coax Barack Obama into addressing their concerns more sympathetically than his often heedless predecessor.

To further coax them into the classroom, he gives his students brief quizzes before each class.

As an economy develops, the state should coax firms into more sophisticated industries.

Occasionally quarrel is not a man's shortcoming, but willing to coax women is always the advantage of men.

"The most fruitful locations were at the aviaries, where I was able to setup my studio in a large free-flight room and coax the birds to fly across the white set," says Zuckerman.

I tried it once in the -middle of January, when the snow hit, but it would take a lot to coax me out of my clothes in that weather again.

Tags:造句 coax
已知命題p:x∈(0,),使得cosx≥x,則該命題的否定是(  )A.x∈(0,),使得cosx>x ... 函數f(x)=sinxcosx+cos2x的最小正週期和振幅分別是(  )A.π,1             ... 函數f(x)=ex(sinx+cosx)在x∈上的值域為 有機物中碳*化合物可用CxHy表示,其完全燃燒的化學方程式:CxHy+(x+)O2xCO2+H2O.判斷等質量... 如圖,已知∠XOY=60°,點A在邊OX上,OA=2,過點A作AC⊥OY於點C,以AC為一邊在∠XOY內作等邊... 已知命題p:∀x∈R,cosx>1,則¬p是(  )A.∃x∈R,cosx<1    B.∀x∈R,cosx<... 已知函數f(x)=2cosxsin(x+π/3)-sin2x+snxcosx(1)求函數f(x)的單調遞減區間... 已知命題:p:∀x∈R,cosx≤1,則¬p為(  ) A.∃x∈R,cosx≥1B.∀x∈R,cosx≥1C... 燃煤發電廠利用反應2SO2+2CaCO3+X=2CaSO4+2CO2來減少SO2的排放,其中X的化學式為(  ... 已知函數f(x)=3x+x,g(x)=log3x+2,h(x)=log3x+x的零點依次為a,b,c,則a,b... 函數f(x)=xsin2x+cosx的大致圖象有可能是A.B.C.D. 已知函數f(x)=cosx(sinx+cosx),若,則的值為   . 燃煤發電廠利用反應2SO2+2CaCO3+X═2CaSO4+2CO2來減少SO2的排放,其中X的化學式為  ,... 函數y=xcosx-sinx的導數為(  )A.xsinx     B.-xsinxC.xcosx     D... 如圖所示,把矩形紙片OABC放入直角座標系xOy中,使OA、OC分別落在x、y軸的正半軸上,連接AC,且AC=...
函數y=sinxcosx+cos2x-的圖像的一個對稱中心是(  )A.    B.  C.   D. 如圖,A、C兩點分別位於x軸和y軸上,∠OCA=30°,OA的長度為L。在△OCA區域內有垂直於xOy平面向裏... 函數y=sin(2x+)•cos(x﹣)+cos(2x+)•sin(﹣x)的圖象的一條對稱軸方程是A.x=  ... 已知命題p:∀x∈R,cosx>1,則¬p是(  )A.∃x∈R,cosx<1  B.∀x∈R,cosx<1 ...  下列求導運算正確的是A. B.(log2x)′= C.(3x)′=3x·log3e D.(x2cosx)′=... 已知:RCH2OHRCHORCOOH某有機物X的化學式為C6H14O,能和*反應放出*氣。X經**重鉻*鉀(K... 已知函數f(x)=﹣4cos2x+4asinxcosx+2,若f(x)的圖象關於點(,0)對稱.(1)求實數a... 物質X可發生“X+*→鹽+H2O”的反應,則X可能是(  )A.Fe  B.CO2 C.H2SO4D.NaOH 命題p:“∀x∈R,cosx≥1”,則┓p是(  )A.∃x∈R,cosx≥1    B.∀x∈R,cosx<... “搖椅型”*離子電池充放電原理為NaCoO2+CnNa1-xCoO2+NaxCn,電池結構如圖所示。下列説法正... 已知logax=2,logbx=3,logcx=6,那麼式子logabcx= 某聚合物鋰離子充電電池放電時的反應為:Li1﹣xCoO2+LixC6=6C+LiCoO2,(LixC6表示鋰原... 某純淨物X在空氣中燃燒的化學方程式為:X+3O22CO2+2H2O,則X中(  )A.一定含有C、H、O三種元... 函數y=x2sinx導數為(  )A.y'=2x+cosx  B.y'=x2cosxC.y'=2xcosx  ... 函數f(x)=cos2x+cos(x+)+sin(x+)+3sin2x的最小值是(   )A.0       ...
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