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You should report any symptoms of PCP straight away because the condition can suddenly worsen without warning.

Microwave (MW)-assisted wet catalytic oxidation (MAWCO) of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in the aqueous solution using activated carbon (AC) as catalytic was studied in this paper.

She did not smoke pot or PCP. She pinched her nose when her father lowered the convertible roof and, with closed eyes, called out movie star names, Malana, Sophia, Ivy.


A Connecticut man searching for some PCP attacked a police officer and bit his dog.


The Linear model fits well for pentachlorophenol (PCP) adsorption isotherms on surfactant-modified LDH (R2>0.96), implying a partitioning sorption process.

Fungal diseases such as PCP, candidiasis, cryptococcosis and penicilliosis.

The hysteresis phenomenon was mostly caused by irreversible sorption of PCP on lipid in sediments.



PCP can be treated with antibiotics and, if your CD4 count drops below 200, you may be given antibiotics to prevent a PCP infection.

This paper reviewed the research progress in PCP containing wastewater treatment technology, discussed the characteristics of different methods and suggested the further studies needed.


The rats were treated with garlic in, meanwhile control groups without treatment and with SMZ-TMP treatment were established respectively in PCP model.

You have a primary care provider (a PCP) who is providing and overseeing your care.

The dechlorination of pentachlorophenol (PCP) by anaerobic granular sludge was studied in serum bottles.

The sorption/desorption behavior of pentachlorophenol(PCP) in five sediments were studied using multiple cycles of sorption/desorption experiments.



Tags:PCP 造句
已知矩形ABCD和點P,當點P在BC上任一位置(如圖(1)所示)時,易*得結論:PA2+PC2=PB2+PD2... 如圖,P1、P2、P3這三個點中,在第二象限內的有()A.P1、P2、P3    B.P1、P2   C.P1... (1)已知,點P是正方形ABCD內的一點,連PA、PB、PC.將△PAB繞點B順時針旋轉90°到△P′CB的位... 如圖,在四稜錐P﹣ABCD中,ABCD為正方形,PD⊥平面AC,PD=DC,E是PC的中點,作EF⊥PB交PB... PPP模式(Public-Private-Partnership,即*和社會資本合作),就是在基礎設施及公共... 如圖所示,裝有水的容器靜止在斜面上,其底部a、b、c三處受到水的壓強分別為pa、pb、pc,則pa、pb、pc... 已知三稜錐P-ABC中,PA,PB,PC兩兩垂直,則點P在底面內的*影是ABC的 已知P、A、B、C是以O為球心的球面上的四個點,PA、PB、PC兩兩垂直,且PA=PB=PC=2,則球的表面積... ATP的結構式可以簡寫成:A.A—P—P~P;     B.A—P~P~P;     C.A~P~P—P;  ... ATP的結構式可以簡寫為(  )A.A﹣P﹣P﹣P   B.A﹣P~P~P   C.A~P~P﹣P   D.A... 如圖所示,點P是正方形ABCD內的一點,連接AP,BP,CP,將△PAB繞點B順時針旋轉90°到△P′CB的位... 如圖,P是正三角形ABC內的一點,且PA=6,PB=8,PC=10,若將△PAC繞點A逆時針旋轉後得到△P′A... 已知在三稜錐P﹣ABC中,VP﹣ABC=,∠APC=,∠BPC=,PA⊥AC,PB⊥BC,且平面PAC⊥平面P... .如圖,△ABC的兩個外角平分線交於點P,則下列結論:①PA=PC;②BP平分∠ABC;③點P到AB,BC的距...  PPP模式(Public-Private-Partnership,即*和社會資本合作),就是在基礎設施及公...